Thursday, May 22, 2014


So, I finished the quilt top I was working on and set it off to my friend to get quilted. Apparently I forgot to take pictures of the finished product, so you will have to settle for pictures of the finished top.

It is going to be in a quilt show in a couple weeks, so I will make sure to get pictures of it then. I have never had a quilt on display before, so I am quite excited (even though there was no criteria to get your quilt into the show - it's still exciting to me).

I also got another quilt top pieced (going to Gramma's really helps with productivity), and finally put it in the frames this weekend. I was a little scared to piece the back because the fabric has a chevron pattern on it, but I finally bit the bullet on Monday (yay holidays), and it was not nearly as scary as I thought.

Here's a close up of my seam.